You might be visiting Ocean City, MD soon since summer is right around the corner! You might want to enjoy a beautiful day on the beach or maybe visit some of your favorite restaurants. If you look up at the sky and see something, but you are not sure what it is, it could easily be a seagull or a banner plane flying over the Ocean City skyline, as this is common here during the summer months. However, in Ocean City, MD on June 16th and 17th you can be certain that you will see tons of airplanes flying through the air!
2017 marks the 10th anniversary of the OC Air Show, which features the U.S Navy Blue Angels. Other performers include the F-22 Raptor, USMC MV-22 Osprey, A-10 Warthog, GEICO Skytypers, and more! Additionally, there will be performances by the U.S Army Special Operations Command Parachute Demonstration Team known as the Black Daggers.
The shows will run from around noon to 4PM on both Saturday and Sunday. Not only will you be amazed by the skills of the Blue Angels, but there will also be displays and exhibits from 9AM to 4PM from 14th to 20th Street on the Boardwalk. 16th Street is considered the “Drop Zone”, where tickets can be purchased to view here on the beach. Spectators can also watch from boats in the permitted area on the perimeter of the US Coast Guard Safety Zones. There are plenty of places in Ocean City to view the Air Show from! They also have volunteer opportunities if some are interested.
Trust us, this is an event you do not want to miss! It is an amazing experience to both see and hear. When the Blue Angels make their grand entrance, you will most definitely know that they are in town. If you have never watched this event before, it is quite an exhilarating and beautiful display! Enjoy your visit in OC and kick back and watch the air show.
Once you work up an appetite, stop by Nick’s on 144th Street for delicious food and drinks! For more information on the Air Show please visit their site ocairshow.com.